jQuery keyup() Method

jQuery keyup() method trigger the keyup event. The jQuery keyup event occurs when a keyboard key is released up. And when the keyup event occurs, specified function will execute.


This triggers the keyup event on the selected elements.

$(selector).keyup();        // This syntax does not accept any arguments.

Attach a function to the keyup event.

Parameter Type Description
function Function Optional. Specifies the function to execute when the keyup event is occurs.


This example represents the keyup() event.

    $("input").css("background-color", "#FFFF99");
    $("input").css("background-color", "pink");

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This example represent to attach a function to the keyup() event.

    $(this).css("background-color", "#FFFF99");
    $(this).css("background-color", "pink");

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