HTML Unordered List

  • HTML <ul> tag define Unordered List(list of Unordered items). HTML <ul> tag is a Container tag.

  • It is use to display list of item with bulleted style.

<ul> Tag Attributes

HTML <ul> tag specified Unordered list display list of item and its attribute help to change the different type of list.

Attributes Value Description
type disk
Disk bullet,
Circle bullet,
Square bullet
default value is "disk".

<li> Tag Attributes

HTML <li> tag specified list items and its attribute helps to change the unorder of the list.

Attributes Value Description
type disk
Disk bullet,
Circle bullet,
Square bullet
default value is "disk".


  <ul type="disk" >
   <li>Disk Bullet</li>
   <li>Disk Bullet</li>

  <ul type="circle" >
   <li>Circle Bullet</li>
   <li>Circle Bullet</li>

  <ul type="square">
   <li>Square Bullet</li>
   <li>Square Bullet</li>

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