JavaScript for Loop

JavaScript for loop check condition and executes block of code for a specific number of times, until specified condition argument become false.

JavaScript for loop accept 3 arguments separated by semicolons. All 3 arguments are optional.


for (initialization; condition; iteration) {
    statements;     // Do stuff if for loop condition is true


  1. initialization: var keyword to define and initialize counter variable. you can initializes the values of one or more counter variables. One or more counter variables separated by colon.
  2. condition: Check the condition expression, for given condition true or not. If the condition true, execute the block of code otherwise terminates the for loop.
  3. iteration: last end of loop iteration counter variable are evaluated. Here you can specify step of increment/decrement, default one.

Example: Following for loop example execute block of code until num value become 10. When num value become 11 the condition no longer satisfy and finally skip to execute for block.

    for( var num = 1; num <= 10; num++ ){
        document.writeln(num + ": iteration");
    document.writeln("End of for loop");

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Example Result

Array iteration (JavaScript for Loop)

Example 1

    var arr = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10];
    for ( var num = 0; num < arr.length; num ++ ) {
        document.writeln(num + " iterate");
    document.writeln("End of array for loop");

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Example Result

Example 2 we can little optimization for loop, length of the array store in variable and avoid to calculating length of array every iteration.

    var arr = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10];
    for ( var num = 0, size = arr.length; num < size; num++ ) {
        document.writeln(num + " iterate");
    document.writeln("End of array for loop");

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Example Result

JavaScript for Loop arguments: optional

JavaScript for loop all three arguments are as an optional. Let's see one bye one without specified optional arguments,

Example 1 : Initialization arguments are as an optional.

    var num = 1;
    for(; num <= 10; num++){
        document.writeln(num + ": iteration");
    document.writeln("End of for loop");

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Example Result :

Example 2: Condition arguments are as an optional. break; keyword indicates to terminate for loop condition.

    var num = 1;
    for(; ; num++){
        if (num <= 10)
            document.writeln(num + ": iteration");
    document.writeln("End of for loop");

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Example Result

Example 3: last iteration arguments are as an optional.

    var num = 1;
    for( ; ; ){
        if (num <= 10)
            document.writeln(num + ": iteration");
    document.writeln("End of for loop");

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Example Result