SQL SELECT statement is used to viewing data from the table. This statement return list of table format table data.

We use asterisk (*) sign to fetch all table columns instead of write all column name.

SQL SELECT query is used this four type:

SELECT All Rows and All Columns


SELECT * FROM table_name;


SQL> SELECT * FROM users_info;

 NO NAME              ADDRESS                        CONTACT_NO
--- ----------------- ------------------------------ -------------------
  1 Opal Kole         63 street Ct.                  000-444-8291
  2 Max Miller        41 NEW ROAD.                   000-444-8736
  3 Beccaa Moss       2500 green city.               000-444-8030
  4 Paul Singh        1343 Prospect St               000-444-8029
  5 Ken Myer          137 Clay Road                  000-444-7972
  6 Jack Evans        1365 Grove Way                 000-444-8845
  7 Reed Koch         1274 West Street               000-444-5672
  8 Gabe Hee          1220 Dallas Drive              000-444-5472
  9 Ben Mares         101 Candy Road                 000-444-6372
 10 Sariya Vargas     10 Texo Court.                 000-444-6371     

10 rows selected.

SELECT All Rows and Selected Columns


SELECT column_name1, column_name2, ... FROM table_name;


SQL> SELECT no, name, address FROM users_info;

 NO NAME                  ADDRESS                        
--- --------------------- --------------------------------
  1 Opal Kole             63 street Ct.                  
  2 Max Miller            41 NEW ROAD.                  
  3 Beccaa Moss           2500 green city.               
  4 Paul Singh            1343 Prospect St               
  5 Ken Myer              137 Clay Road                 
  6 Jack Evans            1365 Grove Way                 
  7 Reed Koch             1274 West Street               
  8 Gabe Hee              1220 Dallas Drive              
  9 Ben Mares             101 Candy Road                 
 10 Sariya Vargas         10 Texo Court. 

10 rows selected.

Only Selected Rows and All Columns


SELECT * FROM table_name [ WHERE condition ];


SQL> SELECT * FROM users_info WHERE no = 3;

 NO NAME              ADDRESS                        CONTACT_NO
--- ----------------- ------------------------------ -------------------
  3 Beccaa Moss       2500 green city.               000-444-7586

Selected Rows and Selected Columns


SELECT column_name1, column_name2, ... FROM table_name [ WHERE condition ];


SQL> SELECT no, name, address FROM users_info WHERE no = 3;

 NO NAME                  ADDRESS                        
--- --------------------- -------------------------------
  3 Beccaa Moss           2500 green city.