SQL WHERE clause is basically use for fetching specific criteria matched data only return. SQL WHERE clause is optionally clause in DML statement.

SQL WHERE clause we can use with SELECT, UPDATE, DELETE statements. SELECT statement with WHERE clause execute, fetching all table rows and apply WHERE clause filtering and finally return the result data.

Notes: You can't use INSERT statement with WHERE clause. But you can use INSERT Statement with WHERE cause only when you get the filter data from another TABLE.

WHERE clause use with SELECT Statement

When you get table data with specific filtered data, you should use where clause, considering following syntax that help you to understanding WHERE clause.


SELECT * FROM table_name WHERE condition;


SQL> SELECT * FROM users_info WHERE name = 'Opal Kole';

 NO NAME                ADDRESS                     CONTACT_NO
--- ------------------- --------------------------- --------------
  1 Opal Kole           63 street Ct.               000-444-7847

WHERE clause use with UPDATE Statement

When you want to update specific table data you should use UPDATE statement with where clause. You can update/set more than one columns value.


Considering following syntax that help you to understanding WHERE clause,

UPDATE table_name SET column_name=value1, ... WHERE condition;


SQL> UPDATE users_info SET address = '145 Taxo court.' WHERE no = 10;

1 row updated.

WHERE clause use with DELETE Statement

When you want to delete specific table row(s) you should use DELETE statement with WHERE clause, Considering following syntax that help you to understanding WHERE clause.


DELTE FROM table_name WHERE condition;


SQL> DELETE FROM users_info WHERE no = 10;

1 row deleted.

WHERE clause use with INSERT Statement

When you want to insert filter data from another table, you should use INSERT statement with WHERE clause, Considering following syntax that help you to understanding WHERE clause,


INSERT INTO table_name (column_name1, column_name2, ...) 
    SELECT column_name1, column_name2, ...
    FROM another_table_name 
    WHERE condition;


SQL> INSERT INTO userinfo (no, name, address) 
    SELECT no, name, address
    FROM users_info
    WHERE no = 1;

1 row inserted.

WHERE clause Operators

You can use WHERE clause with following operators.

Operator Description Example
= Equal to
SQL> SELECT * FROM users_info WHERE no = 5;

NO NAME              ADDRESS             CONTACT_NO
-- ----------------- ------------------- --------------
 5 Ken Myer          137 Clay Road       000-444-7528
<> Not equal
SQL> SELECT * FROM users_info WHERE no <> 5;

NO NAME              ADDRESS             CONTACT_NO
-- ----------------- ------------------- --------------
 1 Opal Kole         63 street Ct.       000-444-7847
 2 Max Miller        41 NEW ROAD.        000-444-8292
 3 Beccaa Moss       2500 green city.    000-444-7586
 4 Paul Singh        1343 Prospect St    000-444-7585
 6 Jack Evans        1365 Grove Way      000-444-8401
 7 Reed Koch         1274 West Street    000-444-5228
 8 Gabe Hee          1220 Dallas Drive   000-444-5028
 9 Ben Mares         101 Candy Road      000-444-5928
10 Sariya Vargas     145 Taxo court.     000-444-5927 

9 rows selected.
> Greater than
SQL> SELECT * FROM users_info WHERE no > 5;

NO NAME              ADDRESS             CONTACT_NO
-- ----------------- ------------------- --------------
 6 Jack Evans        1365 Grove Way      000-444-8401
 7 Reed Koch         1274 West Street    000-444-5228
 8 Gabe Hee          1220 Dallas Drive   000-444-5028
 9 Ben Mares         101 Candy Road      000-444-5928
10 Sariya Vargas     145 Taxo court.     000-444-5927 
< Less than
SQL> SELECT * FROM users_info WHERE no < 5;

NO NAME              ADDRESS             CONTACT_NO
-- ----------------- ------------------- --------------
 1 Opal Kole         63 street Ct.       000-444-7847
 2 Max Miller        41 NEW ROAD.        000-444-8292
 3 Beccaa Moss       2500 green city.    000-444-7586
 4 Paul Singh        1343 Prospect St    000-444-7585
>= Greater than or equal
SQL> SELECT * FROM users_info WHERE no >= 5;

NO NAME              ADDRESS             CONTACT_NO
-- ----------------- ------------------- --------------
 5 Ken Myer          137 Clay Road       000-444-7528
 6 Jack Evans        1365 Grove Way      000-444-8401
 7 Reed Koch         1274 West Street    000-444-5228
 8 Gabe Hee          1220 Dallas Drive   000-444-5028
 9 Ben Mares         101 Candy Road      000-444-5928
10 Sariya Vargas     145 Taxo court.     000-444-5927 

6 rows selected.
<= Less than or equal
SQL> SELECT * FROM users_info WHERE no <= 5;

NO NAME              ADDRESS             CONTACT_NO
-- ----------------- ------------------- --------------
 1 Opal Kole         63 street Ct.       000-444-7847
 2 Max Miller        41 NEW ROAD.        000-444-8292
 3 Beccaa Moss       2500 green city.    000-444-7586
 4 Paul Singh        1343 Prospect St    000-444-7585
 5 Ken Myer          137 Clay Road       000-444-7528
BETWEEN Fetching within range data

NO NAME              ADDRESS             CONTACT_NO
-- ----------------- ------------------- --------------
 1 Opal Kole         63 street Ct.       000-444-7847
 2 Max Miller        41 NEW ROAD.        000-444-8292
 3 Beccaa Moss       2500 green city.    000-444-7586
 4 Paul Singh        1343 Prospect St    000-444-7585
 5 Ken Myer          137 Clay Road       000-444-7528
LIKE Search for a pattern
SQL> SELECT * FROM users_info WHERE name LIKE 'Be%';

NO NAME              ADDRESS             CONTACT_NO
-- ----------------- ------------------- --------------
 3 Beccaa Moss       2500 green city.    000-444-7586
 9 Ben Mares         101 Candy Road      000-444-5928

 2 rows selected.
IN Allows only specified values
SQL> SELECT * FROM users_info WHERE no IN (1,5,10);

NO NAME              ADDRESS             CONTACT_NO
-- ----------------- ------------------- --------------
 1 Opal Kole         63 street Ct.       000-444-7847
 5 Ken Myer          137 Clay Road       000-444-7528 
10 Sariya Vargas     145 Taxo court.     000-444-5927 

3 rows selected.
NOT IN Not allows specified values
SQL> SELECT * FROM users_info WHERE no NOT IN (1,3,5,7,9);

NO NAME              ADDRESS             CONTACT_NO
-- ----------------- ------------------- --------------
 2 Max Miller        41 NEW ROAD.        000-444-8292
 4 Paul Singh        1343 Prospect St    000-444-7585
 6 Jack Evans        1365 Grove Way      000-444-8401
 8 Gabe Hee          1220 Dallas Drive   000-444-5028
10 Sariya Vargas     145 Taxo court.     000-444-5927 

5 rows selected.